Goodbye Orange County

I remember not four months ago thinking about hiking the PCT but being unsure. And after finally deciding to hike it, I had three months (plenty of time) to prepare and get ready. But those couple months flew by. The last week especially has been a blur - an amalgamation of a dozen REI runs and last minute tasks I needed to get done before leaving. And now the day has come, I am leaving on this epic journey. But before I take off, I want to recount my last couple days in Orange County, my home for the last 19 years, and pay special homage to a couple important people.

Friday March 11th 2022. On Friday night the Wengers had my father and I over for dinner. Liz and Dave prepared a delicious meal consisting of large steaks, baked potatoes, baked veggies, onions and mushrooms, and to top it all off, an amazing banana cream pie. To add to it all, two of the Oxford-Pope boys were over - Jethro and Keir. It had been such a long time since I have seen the two of them. It was especially great reconnecting with Jethro one of my best friends who i’ve known for much of my life. During dinner Keir and Dave shared stories about an explorer, Ernest Shackleton, who managed to lead his crew out of Antartica after their ship became frozen in ice. After dinner we got talking about my PCT hike, and the plans I had ahead. It was fantastic to be sent off with so much love and support from a group of people who are so important in my life. Thank you Liz and Dave for the fabulous dinner. Keir it was a pleasure seeing you. And Jethro, man it was so good to see you, I miss being around you and going on adventures.

Saturday March 12th 2022. The day started early. At 8:00 I met my father and several other employees at the Tea Hut. There Chi-lin led a traditional Chinese tea ceremonies. To put it simply, the ceremony was incredible. Besides being an amazing ritual, the ceremony created a space of silence and intention. For the first time in several weeks I was really able to sit with my feelings and contemplate this journey ahead. A lot of emotions surfaced during this experience. I felt scared. What was I doing going on such a crazy adventure? I felt anxious. How much food should I bring? How will my body adapt to waking everyday? But more than anything I recognized my excitement. I was beyond the moon to take on such a challenge. To do something so different from anything I had ever done. At the end of the tea ceremony Chi-Lin gave me two bags of very special tea. I was very honored and beyond humbled by this gift. Chi-Lin, thank you so much for your kind gift, it will be such a blessing on my journey.

To top off the day I went stand up paddle boarding with Ryan, a new employee at Parzival. Ryan had brought up the idea and I jumped at the offer. It was incredible to get out on the water and to see the bay - a place that has been home for so long. Ryan, thank you so much for going paddle boarding with me. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you, and I am excited to see you progress in the company.

Sunday March 13th 2022. Sunday was a little crazy. I rushed around the house frantically packing my gear, trying to sort out food for later in the trip, and doing last minute editing on my website before I took off. During this chaotic episode my darling friend Ryota showed up with food and Boba in hand. Wow did you come at the perfect time. Thank you for coming over and helping me pack and doing just about everything for me. You really helped get me out the door :)

Finally a huge thank you to my mother. Mom, I don’t think this trip would be happening if it wasn’t for you. Sure I can hike fine, but for planning and packing I surely lack in that department. I can’t thank you enough and tell you how much I love you. Beyond my mom, I can’t say a big enough thank you to everyone in my community (especially my whole family). I have received so much support from so many people. I am beyond grateful to everyone who has given me advice and guidance, to the people who send there love and prayer, and to anyone else who has supported me in one way or another. I am truly blessed. Well here’s to an extraordinary adventure.

cheers, Elijah


1000 Miles Later


Making the Decision